
Instant download after secured payment

Get all our icons and illustrations in one big bundle

Regular Access

Full Icons Bundle Access
43,000+ Icons

Download and use all icon packs we have.
A one time fee of $99 is required to get the bundle
+ Free icon updates to the bundle.

Once you get the bundle it is yours forever and
you keep all your downloaded icon packs


Get all our icons and free updates


Access includes

All our 27 icons and illustration packs

Free updates and unlimited downloads

$1,123 Down to only $99

Standard license to all icons

5 Designers/Devs Team license

Unlimited users/views for the icons

Use up to 2000 icons per project

Unlimited projects for yourself or clients

20% Discount on Iconjar license

This is the biggest and most diverse icons bundle
at the most affordable price you can find

We offer 30 days money back guarantee.

Payments are done on either PayPal or Paddle gateway (Credit card)  for your own security, does not store user payment data.

Instant download after purchase, this is a one time fee.
Creating an account enables you to receive newly published icon packs and updates for free.

Item Name Item Price Actions
Full Bundle Ver 3 — Standard License $99.00 Remove

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