1200 UI UX illustrations
Creative vector illustrations, easily modified to blend with your branding style (Just set the illustration blending mode to Luminosity and it will fit any background color you have). Give your website or application a neat style.
Or download all 30,000+ icons by getting “The Full Icons Bundle – $99”
Collection features
- All illustrations are designed in vectors so you can scale it easily without loosing quality
- Made to blend with your brand colors. Save time and effort by just changing blending option to luminosity
- Great guide pages and infographics pictograms for your audience delivering a clear message using a beautiful line style illustration
- All shapes are editable. Remove, edit or recolor any part of the illustrations
Pack specifications
• 500px grid
• 1200 Vector illustrations
• IconJar library (tagged & searchable)
• Free updates to purchased pack
• Standard License – Extended license
Web Design
To illustrate coding, maintenance, dashboard, storage, firewall, newsletter, security, protection
alert, warning, danger, notification, website, webpage, browser, coding, programming
browsers, webpage, website, browser, layout, duplicate, multiple
bug, scan, magnifier, search, find, computer
cloud, security, protection, shield, confirm, storage, data, privacy
code, coding, programming, cloud, database, data, storage, transfer, sharing, network
code, coding, programming, website, webpage, browser, settings, options, preferences
coding, programming, settings, options, preferences, configuration, wrench, screwdriver, website
computer, monitor, screen, network, sharing, confirm, server
dashboard, traffic, website, webpage, browser, web design, pointer, indicator
disk, computer, electronic, device, gear, settings, options
document, paper, page, pencil, cloud, storage, network, transfer
email, mail, message, envelope, communication, website, webpage, browser, shopping, ecommerce
file, folder, monitor, screen, computer, storage, sort
firewall, fire, wall, security, protection, safety, website
folder, file, gear, coding, settings, options, preferences
gear, settings, options, preferences, configuration, monitor, screen, computer
internet, online, connection, connect, transfer, network
internet, online, connection, gear, settings, options, preferences
laptop, computer, cloud, download, transfer, storage, arrow, down
laptop, computer, cloud, upload, transfer, storage, arrow, up
laptop, computer, upload, arrow, up, transfer, graph, chart, analytics, statistics
laptop, computer, website, webpage, browser, coding, code, programming
laptop, computer, website, webpage, browser, coding, programming, alert, notification
laptop, computer, website, webpage, browser, gallery, image, picture
laptop, computer, website, webpage, browser, layout
launch, rocket, start up, website, webpage, browser
layer, graphic, design, web, gear, magnifier
lightbulb, light, illuminate, monitor, screen, computer, settings, preferences
microchip, chip, electronic, device, confirm, computer, storage
modem, electronic, device, wifi, wireless, internet, conenction
monitor, screen, computer, screwdriver, settings, options, preferences
monitor, screen, computer, server, rack, database, data, storage
monitor, screen, web design, graphic, design, graph, chart, analytics, statistics
online, internet, website, webpage, browser, web design
rack, server, cloud, storage, sharing, network, database, data
refresh, reverse, sync, configuration, loading, monitor, screen, electronic, device, computer
scan, search, find, magnifier, laptop, computer
screen, monitor, computer, website, webpage, browser, coding, programming
security, safety, protection, privacy, shield, website, webpage, browser, confirm
server, database, data, electronic, device, storage, rack
server, database, data, electronic, device, storage
server, upload, internet, online, connection, network, cpu, computer
settings, preferences, options, gear, website, webpage, browser, coding, programming
smartphone, computer, monitor, screen, phone, device, layout
smartphone, phone, electronic, device, coding, code, programming
target, pointer, achievement, audience, marketing, business
trophy, award, achievement, star, accomplishment, target
virus, protection, security, safety, shield, skull, danger
website, webpage, browser, coding, programming, search, find, magnifier, scan
website, webpage, browser, design, graphic, web, coding, programming
Tech Support
To illustrate call, conversation, communication, error, frequently asked questions, customer service
alert, warning, error, maintenance, options, preferences, website, webpage, tech, support, service
book, notebook, cogwheel, gear, maintenance, options, preferences, tech, support, service
call, phone, telephone, communication, tech, support, service
chat, messaging, message, conversation, communication, talk, tech, support, service
checklist, list, clipboard, confirm, gear, cogwheel, tech, support, service
faq, document, paper, page, questions, tech, support, service
full time, 24 hour, cogwheel, gear, options, settings, preferences, tech, support, service
headphone, headset, cogwheel, gear, maintenance, options, preferences, customer, tech, support
headphones, headset, information, info, answers, microphone, communication, tech, support, service
information, info, answers, chat, message, text, talk, tech, support, service
information, info, answers, cogwheel, gear, maintenance, options, preferences, website, webpage
information, info, answers, gear, cogwheel, maintenance, options, preferences, tech, support
information, info, question, answer, document, paper, page, email, mail, communication, tech support
information, info, question, smartphone, mobile, tech, support, service
information, info, question, website, webpage, browser, tech, support, service
laptop, question, answers, faq, cogwheel, gear, options, preferences, maintenance, tech, support
life preserver, call, phone, talk, communication, telephone, tech, support, service
life preserver, maintenance, rescue, message, communication, tech, support, service
like, social media, social network, smartphone, mobile, rating, tech, support, service
like, social media, social network, website, webpage, browser, rating, tech, support, service
maintenance, wrench, cogwheel, gear, options, settings, preferences, tech, support, service
male, man, person, information, info, answers, tech, support, service
man, laptop, headphone, headset, customer, tech, support, service
man, male, person, questions, answers, customer, tech, support, service
man, male, person, translation, translate, language, tech, support
man, woman, person, questions, answers, customer, tech, support, service
monitor, computer, screen, information, info, cogwheel, gear, options, preferences, tech, support
puzzle, plug in, website, webpage, browser, plugin, tech, support, service
question, answers, headphone, headset, customer, faq, tech, support, service
question, faq, question mark, smartphone, application, app, tech, support, service
question, find, search, scan, magnifier, faq, tech, support, service
question, gear, cogwheel, faq, maintenance, preferences, options, tech, support, service
question, mark, location, pin, marker, tech, support, service
question, mark, support, message, customer, service
questions, answers, conversation, communication, tech, support, service, talk, chat
questions, answers, website, webpage, chat, communication, tech, support, service
smartphone, list, menu, chat, messages, conversation, tech, support, service
smartphone, question, answers, faq, cogwheel, gear, options, preferences, maintenance, tech, support
social media, social network, hand, gesture, like, tech, support, service
star, bookmark, favourite, rating, headphone, headset, tech, support, service
survey, checklist, list, clipboard, question, answers, faq, tech, support, service
translate, translation, language, website, webpage, browser, tech, support, service
website, webpage, browser, list, menu, chat, messages, conversation, tech, support, service
website, webpage, browser, search, find, magnifier, question, answer, tech, support, service
woman, female, person, cogwheel, gear, headphone, headset, tech, support, service
woman, female, person, headphones, headset, microphone, tech, support, service
woman, female, person, information, info, answers, tech, support, service
woman, female, person, questions, answers, customer, tech, support, service
woman, female, person, translation, translate, language, tech, support, service
woman, laptop, headphone, headset, customer, tech, support, service
Smart home
To illustrate technology, battery, power, remote control, charge, appliances, devices, security
air conditioner, home, house, smarthome, ac, appliance, cooling
alarm, danger, warning, alert, sound, audio
battery, alert, warning, danger, notification, error, charge, power, energy
camera, security, electronic, device, house, home, safety, protection
charge, power, energy, electricity, electric, electronic, cable, plug
coffee, machine, appliance, device, cup, mug, drink, beverage
cooker, cooking, kitchen, airfryer, appliance, electronic, device, smarthome
dishwasher, kitchen, appliance, dishes, electronic, smarthome, cleaning
doorbell, camera, lens, microphone, speaker, security, safety, smarthome, home, house
electricity, electronic, electric, charge, power, energy
electronic, device, wifi, wireless, connect, control, security, camera
electronic, electric, home, house, cable, charge, electricity, smarthome
face, scan, security, protection, privacy, facial, smarthome
fan, ventilator, appliance, electronic, device, camera
fridge, freezer, storage, kitchen, home, electronic, device, appliance, smarthome
fridge, storage, kitchen, home, electronic, device, appliance, smarthome
garage, home, house, vehicle, car, automobile, transportation, smarthome
hand, gesture, click, press, smartphone, control, touch
home, house, smart home, wireless, wifi, connection, password
key, wireless, connection, lock, smarthome, smart, connect, electronic, device
keypad, handle, keycode, code, security, safety, home, house
lightbulb, bulb, light, control, smarthome, smartphone, lighting
lightbulb, light, lighting, bulb, eco, ecology
modem, electronic, device, wireless, wifi, connection
plant, nature, leaf, leaves, ecology, eco, sprout, soil
plug, power, energy, charge, electric, electricity
remote, control, electronic, device, wireless, smartphone, smarthome
roomba, vacuum, cleaner, device, appliance, electronic, wireless
security, camera, home, house, safety, protection, lens, electronic, device
security, protection, shield, safety, confirm, approve, checkmark, wifi, wireless
security, shield, protection, password, lock, padlock, safety, smarthome
smarthome, home, house, smartphone, wireless, connection, control, settings, options, preferences
smarthome, key, wifi, wireless, control, monitor, screen
smartphone, smarthome, home, house, wireless, wifi, connection, control
smoke alarm, alarm, wireless, detection, safety, smarthome, home
solar panel, panel, power, energy, electricity, ecology, eco, appliance
stove, burner, kitchen, appliance, device, cooking, smarthome
thermometer, temperature, control, device, wireless, heat, cold, smarthome
toilet, plumbing, bathroom, restroom, facilities, smarthome, home, house
washing, machine, home, house, smarthome, appliance, laundry
water, bottle, machine, water cooler, appliance, drink, beverage
water, care, protection, hand, gesture, drop, liquid, ecology, eco
water, heater, drink, beverage, canister, smarthome
water, tap, wireless, control, plumbing, smarthome, smartphone, password
wifi, wireless, curtains, control, smarthome, window
wireless, bluetooth, speaker, device, electronic, google, password
wireless, bluetooth, speaker, device, electronic, robotic
wireless, smarthome, home, house, connection, control, settings, options, preferences
wireless, wifi, connection, connect, tv, television, screen, monitor
wireless, wifi, protection, shield, safety, security, smarthome, home, house
To illustrate robot, chat, conversation, customer service, statistics, launch, start up, marketing, newsletter
Artboard 1
bot, robot, artificial, intelligence, seo, service
chat, chatting, message, messaging, talk, conversation, communication
chat, talk, text, message, messaging, smartphone, phone, electronic, device, communication
chess, strategy, piece, game, thought, business, seo
choice, choose, survey, website, webpage, browser, monitor, screen, computer, cursor, pointer
circle, shape, transfer, monitor, screen, computer, device, seo, magnifier
clipboard, clipchart, chart, strategy, horse, chess, piece, game, seo
cloud, storage, database, search, find, magnifier, scanner
coding, code, programming, website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer, monitor, screen, computer
configuration, seo, dials, preferences, settings, options, finance, magnifier
cursor, pointer, selection, select, click, monitor, screen, computer
gallery, image, picture, photo, smartphone, phone, electronic, device, seo
gallery, image, picture, website, webpage, browser, media, seo, monitor, screen
graph, chart, analytics, statistics, monitor, screen, computer, device, seo
graph, chart, statistics, analytics, pie chart, seo
hierarchy, connect, transfer, network, sharing, dropdown, selection
hierarchy, network, sharing, share, dropdown, monitor, screen, computer
key, lock, privacy, protection, search, find, magnifier
launch, rocket, start up, seo, navigation, exploration
lightbulb, light, illuminate, thought, idea, chess, strategy, seo, business
link, chain, share, transfer, document, page, paper, seo
link, chain, share, website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer, monitor, screen, seo
media, multimedia, website, webpage, browser, video, monitor, screen, computer, electronic, seo
megaphone, marketing, announcement, newsletter, speech, talk, mouse, computer
menu, settings, options, preferences, configuration, layout, seo, smartphone, phone, electronic
messaging, message, chat, talk, communication, website, webpage, cursor, monitor, screen, seo
messenger, message, chat, communication, monitor, screen, computer, device
monitor, screen, computer, sharing, network, connect, connection, seo
online, internet, network, monitor, screen, computer, cursor, pointer, seo
plugin, plug, puzzle, piece, megaphone, website, webpage, browser, seo
search, find, magnifier, settings, options, gear, preferences, configuration, seo
seo, monitor, screen, computer, electronic, device
share, transfer, sharing, website, webpage, browser, monitor, screen, computer, cursor, pointer
smartphone, phone, media, multimedia, play, music, video, electronic, device, seo
smartphone, phone, text, layout, seo, electronic, device
social, media, network, monitor, screen, computer, connect, cursor, pointer, seo
tag, cloud, storage, database, data, transfer, seo
teamwork, team, hand, gesture, business, lightbulb, seo
trophy, award, reward, achievement, clipboard, chart, seo
type, write, search, find, magnifier, internet, online, monitor, screen, computer, device, seo
view, vision, visibility, eye, monitor, screen, computer, cursor, pointer
voip, phone, talk, telephone, communication, magnifier
website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer, monitor, screen, computer, electronic, seo
website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer, monitor, screen, computer, layout, seo
website, webpage, browser, monitor, screen, computer, layout, image, picture, chat, communication
website, webpage, browser, search, find, magnifier, monitor, screen, computer, seo
woman, female, person, headphone, headset, computer, device, customer, service
write, pencil, paper, page, document, edit
www, internet, online, connect, connection, monitor, screen, computer, cursor, pointer, seo
Product Management
To illustrate business, charts, analytics, marketing, advertisement, warehouse, production
dollar, money, finance, graph, chart, analytics, statistcs, investment, product, management
badge, id, identification, profile, business, product, management
billboard, ad, advertisement, marketing, product, management
chart, graph, analytics, statistics, product, marketing
clipboard, chart, process, procedure, pencil, document, plan, product, management
clipboard, checklist, list, pencil, product
communication, call, phone, email, newsletter, marketing
computer, monitor, screen, research, survey, product, management
design, clipboard, pencil, sketch, presentation, gear, cogwheel
design, document, paper, page, sketch, product, pencil
design, sketch, document, paper, page, product, pencil
dollar, money, finance, box, package, product, management
eye, visual, visualization, cogwheel, gear, product, management
forklist, warehouse, package, box, parcel, storage
gear, cogwheel, settings, options, preferences, box, product, management
global, international, logistic, shipping, truck, vehicle, transport, transportation, product
graph, chart, pie chart, analytics, statistics, production
growth, finance, money, dollar, sack, investment, product, management, profit
hand, gesture, wrench, maintenance, preferences, options, construction
headset, headphones, customer, service, sound, audio, media, multimedia
hierarchy, business, magnifier, tie, product, management
hook, industry, production, factory, robotic, arm
hook, timer, time, factory, industry, box, package, product, management
idea, thoght, innovation, lightbulb, brain, process, product, management
industry, factory, production, product, package, box, parcel
investment, production, dollar, finance, business, industry, product, management
investment, sack, bag, money, finance, product, management
lightbulb, money, finance, dollar, idea, thought, product, management
magnifier, search, find, clipboard, pencil, sketch, design, product, management
medal, ribbon, star, review, rating, product, management
monitor, screen, computer, megaphone, newsletter, ad, advertisement, marketing, product, management
production, arrows, reverse, rotate, product, management
production, industry, hook, factory, robotic, arm, package, product
projection, graph, chart, increase, money, finance, investment, profit, product, management
rating, review, medal, shield, protection, safety, security, product, management
return, policy, arrow, product, management, package
rocket, launch, start up, business, product, management
sack, bag, hand, gesture, money, investment, payment, finance
screen, monitor, computer, view, eye, views, click bait, product, management
search, find, magnifier, document, paper, page, market, research
shipping, logistic, delivery, packaging, package, box, parcel, product, management
strategy, graph, chart, analytics, statistics, arrow, product, management
talk, call, chat, message, communication, messaging, conversation
target, audience, client, bow, arrow, bullseye, marketing, ad, advertisement, product, management
teamwork, hand, gesture, business, team
timer, time, stopwatch, money, finance, dollar, investment, profit, product, management
trophy, award, reward, gift, star, unbox, pr, product, management
truck, vehicle, distribution, transport, transportation, product, management
unbox, package, box, parcel, cogwheel, maintenance
warehouse, building, storage, package, product, box, parcel
Payment and Finance
To illustrate deposit, ATM, credit card, currency, security, protection, finance, cashflow
arrow, up, exchange, transfer, dollar, money, finance, payment
atm, machine, extract, receive, money, finance, payment, cash, hand, gesture
atm, machine, payment, finance, cash, dollar, bill, banking
atm, machine, payment, finance, document, paper, page, banking
british, pound, coin, currency, payment, finance, cash, accounting, graph
building, bank, banking, dollar, money, finance, cash
building, bank, dollar, bill, currency, payment, finance, graph, chart
calculate, calculation, document, paper, page, accounting, safe, vault
calculate, calculator, accounting, math, finance, baking, payment, credit card
call, service, customer service, phone, availability, calculator, safe, vault
care, hand, gesture, home, dollar, money, bank, finance, payment
cash, money, finance, dollar, coin, payment, hand gesture
cash, stack, finance, payment, document, percentage, coin
credit card, card, banking, finance, payment, document, safe, vault
credit card, smartphone, phone, mobile, payment, purchase, banking
credit card, wireless, calculator, finance, payment, accounting
document, paper, page, dollar, payment, finance, vault, safe
dollar, cash, euro, currency, exchange, arrows, banking, finance, payment
dollar, coin, currency, payment, finance, cash, accounting
dollar, coin, wings, banking, finance, payment
dollar, medal, ribbon, safe, vault, percentage, graph, finance, payment
education, graduate, cash, money, finance, payment, dollar, wallet
euro, coin, currency, payment, finance, cash, document
exchange, dollar, money, finance, currency, payment, arrows, graph, chart
gold, dollar, value, money, finance, exchange, arrows, banking
gold, value, finance, payment, cash, ribbon, medal, percentage
google, credit card, payment, finance, banking, calculator, vault, safe
graph, chart, analytics, statistics, document, paper, page, safe, vault
hand over, transfer, money, finance, payment, cash, dollar, hand, gesture
hand, gesture, dollar, money, finance, payment, cash, document
hand, gesture, free, dollar, money, cash out, cash back, finance, payment
hand, hand over, gesture, credit card, payment, finance, banking
lock, password, privacy, percentage, credit card, calculator, finance
mac, apple, credit card, banking, finance, payment, graph, chart
money, bag, banking, finance, hand, gesture, payment, dollar
money, bag, finance, payment, cash, dollar, currency
monitor, screen, website, browser, online, banking, finance, credit card
paper, document, page, dollar, payment, finance, wallet, purchase, contract
paper, page, document, dollar, money, finance, contract, medal
peso, coin, currency, payment, finance, cash, accounting, percentage
privacy, protection, pin, lock, cancel, graph, chart
safe, vault, safety, protection, security, privacy, bank, finance
shield, protection, security, payment, finance, banking, privacy, currency
smartphone, phone, mobile, dollar, money, finance, payment, security, privacy, banking
smartphone, phone, mobile, online, dollar, money, finance, payment, banking
vat, tax, taxes, document, paper, page, percentage, finance, money
wallet, purchase, payment, ecommerce, finance, cash, financial
wallet, purchase, payment, ecommerce, finance, document
wireless, credit card, payment, finance, document, paper, page, safe, vault
yen, coin, currency, payment, finance, cash, accounting, document
Online Learning
To illustrate education, knowledge, audio, international, cloud storage, documents, computer monitor
audio, sound, media, multimedia, audiobook, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
book, ebook, cloud, sharing, network, graduation, graduate, course, education
book, ebook, global, international, online, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
book, ebook, reading, learning, monitor, screen, computer, online, knowledge
cap, knowledge, professor, college, graduation, graduate, course, education
certificate, diploma, document, medal, badge, graduation, graduate, course, education
chat, conversation, communication, talk, messages, messaging
click, cursor, select, pointer, book, ebook, online, internet, learning, education
cloud, storage, sharing, network, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
cloud, storage, sort, store, database, book, ebook, knowledge, learning, online
computer, screen, monitor, customize, art, lesson, course, media, multimedia, video
computer, screen, monitor, media, multimedia, lesson, course, chemistry, lab, laboratory, experiment
computer, screen, monitor, media, multimedia, lesson, course, online, gear, technical
computer, screen, monitor, media, multimedia, lesson, course, shape, online, geometry
document, paper, page, book, ebook, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
download, transfer, share, cloud, storage, database, book, ebook, learning, reading, education
download, transfer, share, cloud, storage, database, data, document, paper, page, ebook, learning
ebook, book, globe, global, international, online, read, reading
electronic, device, monitor, screen, computer, website, webpage, browser, ebook, book, learning
electronic, device, tablet, smartphone, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
file, folder, storage, sort, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
file, paper, page, document, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
information, info, pointer, pin, marker, graduation, graduate, course, education
international, global, internet, online, graduation, graduate, course, education
laptop, computer, online, graduation, graduate, course, education
laptop, electronic, device, computer, ebook, book, learning, knowledge, education
launch, rocket, pencil, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
lightbulb, light, book, ebook, reading, online, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
lightbulb, light, idea, thought, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
man, male, person, user, avatar, profile, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
media, multimedia, computer, monitor, screen, online, graduation, graduate, course, education
media, multimedia, computer, screen, monitor, online, video, lesson, course, ecology, leaf, plant
monitor, screen, computer, media, multimedia, translate, translation, language, media, multimedia
monitor, screen, online, graduation, graduate, course, education, learning, computer
mouse, click, select, online, ebook, book, learning, knowledge, reading
pdf, document, paper, page, file, extension, format
pencil, edit, smartphone, phone, tablet, electronic, device, knowledge, learning
projector, presentation, electronic, device, appliance, visual, lens
question, mark, faq, information, info, pointer, pin, marker
scan, search, find, magnifier, ebook, book, knowledge, learning, education, reading
screen, monitor, online, graduate, graduate, course, education
search, find, magnifier, computer, screen, monitor, online, internet
search, find, scan, magnifier, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
smartphone, tablet, electronic, device, graduation, graduate, course, education
tablet, smartphone, electronic, device, graduation, graduate, course, education
upload, transfer, share, cloud, storage, database, data, book, ebook, knowledge, learning, education
upload, transfer, share, cloud, storage, database, data, document, paper, page, ebook, learning
website, webpage, browser, monitor, screen, computer, graduation, graduate, course, education
wireless, wifi, ebook, book, knowledge, learning, education
woman, female, person, user, avatar, profile, knowledge, graduation, graduate, course, education
Network and Communication
To illustrate smartphone, appointment, webpages, conversation, chatting, social media
application, app, phone, smartphone, mobile, device
browsers, webpage, website, browser, windows, sim card, communication, network
calendar, date, appointment, reminder, day, month, notification
call, chat, dial, phone, smartphone, mobile, device, network, communication
call, talk, chat, communication, phone, telephone, network
cancel, certificate, document, page, paper, diploma, communication
certificate, document, page, paper, diploma, communication
chat, communication, talk, messaging, message, smartphone, phone, mobile
chat, conversation, talk, comment, communication, smartphone, phone, mobile
chat, talk, text, conversation, social, media, network, communication
communication, translation, language, transfer, arrows, talk
contacts, phonebook, phone, smartphone, mobile, network, communication
conversation, communication, chat, talk, comments, social, media
email, mail, envelope, message, chat, communication, alert, notification
envelope, message, email, mail, messaging, communication, online, network
facebook, social, media, network, browser, website, webpage, communication
global, international, internet, online, globe, communication, network
globe, global, internet, online, communication, network, international
gmail, email, mail, envelope, social, network, browser, website, webpage, communication
hand, gesture, click, press, select, touch
headset, headphone, device, sound, audio, customer, service
laptop, chat, conversation, talk, comment, communication, device
laptop, computer, message, email, mail, envelope, cursor
lightbulb, idea, thought, bulb, electricity, innovation, media
like, comment, thumbs up, social, media, network
linkedin, professional, social, media, network, browser, website, webpage, communication
listen, hear, talk, speech, communication, ear, hearing
load, loading, cursor, laptop, computer, device
location, navigation, destination, marker, pin, gps
mailbox, mail, communication, inbox, outbox, network, envelope
message, email, phone, smartphone, mobile, device, communication, network
monitor, screen, chat, video, communication, social, media, network
monitor, screen, computer, network, share, sharing, internet, communication
monitor, screen, tv, television, news, broadcast, network
mute, hear, deaf, ear, cancel, sound, audio, communication
newsletter, notification, announcement, marketing, megaphone, communication, network
newspaper, newsletter, news, prodcast, article, blog
online, network, group, team, globe, global, international, communication, network
question, mark, chat, message, talk, customer, service, communication
radio, network, sound, audio, entertainment, device
satellite, communication, technology, international, globe, global, network
satellite, technology, device, communication, space, network
sim card, sim, mobile, telephone, phone, device, communication, network
speaker, sound, audio, device, entertainment, music
twitter, social, media, network, browser, website, webpage, communication
video, media, multimedia, laptop, computer, social, play, cursor
warning, danger, alert, error, notification, exclaimation, network, communication
whatsapp, social, media, network, browser, website, webpage, communication
wifi, wireless, internet, online, global, international
wireless, wifi, satellite, technology, device, communication, network
Logistic Delivery
To illustrate delivery, shipping, storage, transportation, international delivery, global
airplane, plane, flight, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel
building, warehosue, storage, stack, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery
cancel, delete, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel
cart, transport, package, parcel, box, crate, logistic, delivery
checklist, list, clipboard, checkmark, check, confirm, approve, logistic, delivery
compass, direction, navigation, box, package, delivery, logistic, parcel
container, storage, logistic, delivery, magnifier, compass
crane, construction, tool, machine, equipment, logistic, delivery
crate, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery, location, destination
customer, service, agent, woman, female, person, headphone, headset
damage, fragile, box, package, delivery, logistic, parcel
delivery, man, male, person, logistic, box, package, parcel
dollar, money, purchase, protection, security, shield, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery
drone, electronic, device, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel
drop, parachute, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel
error, warning, danger, alert, notification, exclaimation, box, package, parcel, delivery, logistic
folder, file, document, logistic, delivery, package, parcel
forklift, warehouse, equipment, tool, machine, package, box, parcel
fragile, glass, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery
full time, 24 hour, hour, day, truck, transport, transportation, delivery, vehicle
hand, care, fragile, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel
home, door, delivery, logistic, box, package, parcel
international, flight, fly, global, earth, planet, logistic, delivery
location, pin, marker, destination, box, package, parcel, delivery
location, pin, marker, destination, map, truck, vehicle, transport, transportation
map, destination, navigation, marker, pointer, logistic, delivery
map, pin, marker, location, destination, box, package, parcel
marker, pointer, destination, navigation, location, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel
money, finance, cash on delivery, cash, payment, purchase, delivery, logistic, box, package, parcel
monitor, computer, screen, shopping, ecommerce, commerce, bag
open, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery, fragile, warning
package, parcel, box, monitor, screen, computer, logistic, delivery
package, parcel, box, package, earth, global, international, marker, pin
qr, code, parcel, box, package, logistic, delivery, scan
scale, weight, weigh, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel_1
scale, weight, weigh, logistic, delivery, box, package, parcel
scan, bar code, code, magnifier, logistic, delivery, ecommerce
search, find, magnifier, scan, checklist, clipboard, confirm, list
shield, protection, security, confirm, truck, van, transport, transportation, delivery
shopping, ecommerce, commerce, logistic, delivery, package, box
smartphone, phone, mobile, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery
stack, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery, airplane
truck, delivery, package, parcel, box, logistic, transport, transportation
truck, vehicle, transport, transportation, time, clock, deadline, logistic, delivery, express
van, vehicle, transport, transportation, logistic, delivery, package, parcel, box
vehicle, truck, transport, transportation, express, logistic, delivery
vespa, scooter, transport, transportation, package, parcel, delivery, logistic
warehouse, sorting, sort, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery
warehouse, storage, stack, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery
water, shield, protection, security, box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery
Internet and Technology
To illustrate modem, internet, wireless, smarthome, cloud storage, data storage, smartphone features
document, file, page, transfer, arrows, arrow, paper
download, down, transfer, arrow, cloud, storage, document, file, page
electronic, device, roomba, vacuum, cleaner, technology
folder, file, cloud, storage, database, data, internet, online
html, document, file, page, mouse, monitor, screen
international, phone, telephone, internet, global, communication, connection
laptop, computer, website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer
laptop, computer, wifi, wireless, internet, connection, connect, cursor, pointer
lightbulb, wifi, wireless, internet, connection, light, lighting
microchip, chip, electronic, device, technology, memory
modem, internet, electronic, device, wifi, wireless, connection
monitor, screen, computer, website, webpage, browser, email, mail, communication, cursor, pointer
monitor, screen, computer, cloud, storage, transfer, network, sharing, cursor, pointer
monitor, screen, computer, coding, programming, code, cloud, storage, database
monitor, screen, computer, online, website, webpage, browser, internet, international, global
monitor, screen, computer, profile, account, user, group, cursor, pointer
monitor, screen, computer, webpage, website, browser, article, news, newspaper, online
monitor, screen, cursor, pointer, profile, account, user, avatar
monitor, screen, cursor, pointer, sharing, network, connect, connection
monitor, screen, webpage, website, browser, cursor, pointer, image, picture
monitor, screen, webpage, website, browser, cursor, pointer
monitor, screen, webpage, website, browser, social, media, network, cursor, pointer
monitor, screen, website, webpage, browser, media, multimedia, cursor, pointer
monitor, screen, website, webpage, browser, shopping, shop, ecommerce, cursor, pointer, selection
rack, server, database, document, file, electronic, device
satellite, communication, connection, technology, electronic, device
satellite, communication, technology, connection, lightbulb, key, wifi
server, rack, cloud, storage, database, electronic, device
server, rack, document, file, storage, security, protection, shield
shop, shopping, ecommerce, monitor, screen, website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer
shopping, shop, buy, smartphone, phone, mobile, cart, purchase
smartphone, mobile, phone, telephone, electronic, device, layout
smartphone, phone, bot, mobile, electronic, device, software
smartphone, phone, mobile, chat, communication, document, talk
smartphone, phone, mobile, cloud, database, data, storage
smartphone, phone, mobile, dollar, money, finance, coin
smartphone, phone, mobile, email, communication, message, envelope, mail
smartphone, phone, mobile, lightbulb, settings, options, preferences
smartphone, phone, mobile, media, multimedia, play, video, music
smartphone, phone, mobile, nfc, transfer, sharing, wireless, connection
smartphone, phone, mobile, share, sharing, electronic, device
smartphone, phone, mobile, technology, electronic, device, apps, application
smartphone, phone, telephone, mobile, communication, video, chat, call
speaker, sound, audio, media, multimedia, electronic, device
upload, arrow, up, transfer, document, file, cloud, storage, database
webpage, website, browser, window, lock, protection, privacy, monitor, screen
webpage, website, browser, window, monitor, screen, internet, ip, adress, cursor, pointer
website, webpage, browser, window, monitor, screen, pointer, cursor, internet, online
wifi, wireless, connection, internet, connect, security, camera
wifi, wireless, internet, connection, international, global
To illustrate industry, manufacturing, factory, container, shipping, maintenance, robotics
battery, power, energy, charge, electricity, electric
boot, safety, protection, security, hazard, industry, factory
box, package, parcel, logistic, delivery, shipping
building, apartment, real estate, property, industry, world, earth
building, industry, factory, property, estate, chimney, production
business plan, plan, document, paper, page, industry, production
car, battery, charge, power, electricity, electric
chimney, green, eco, ecology, industry, factory, building
chimney, nuclear, power, industry, energy, production
coal, trolley, mine, mining, industry, location, pin
container, canister, liquid, danger, dangerous, warning
container, canister, water, liquid, drop, transport, industry
dials, measurements, measure, industry, factory, production
electric, drill, tool, equipment, construction, maintenance
faactory, industry, building, production, energy, power
fire extinguisher, safety, fire, protection, tool, industry, production
forklift, warehouse, equipment, tool, box, crate, storage
gasoline, fuel, canister, container, liquid, transportation, industry
gear, cogwheel, water, liquid, function, options, preferences, industry
glove, safety, protection, security, hazard, industry, factory
green, plant, ecology, industry, factory, production
hand, robotic, tool, equipment, machine, industry, production
hook, transport, construction, tool, equipment, industry
industry, factory, production, appliance, machine, metal
industry, production, box, package, parcel
lab, laboratory, chemistry, experiment, test, science
lift, elevator, construction, industry, equipment, machine
machine, equipment, device, electric, electricity, power
maintenance, construction, gear, cogwheel, screwdriver, wrench, options, preferences
maintenance, tools, construction, industry, wrench, screwdriver
mask, safety, protection, security, hazard, industry, production
mining, oil, dig, machine, industry, production
options, dials, control, industry, factory, production
piping, pressure, measurement, industry, factory, monitor, screen
production, industry, package, box, parcel, logistic, delivery
robotic, hand, industry, factory, production, box, package
safety, protection, helmet, production, industry, factory
scale, pressure, measure, dial, production, tool
ship, boat, crate, container, transport, transportation, shipping
shipping container, shipping, container, logistic, delivery, transport
shipping, warehouse, storage, box, package, parcel
solar, panel, industry, ecology, eco, power, energy, electricity
truck, vehicle, transport, transportation, liquid, shipping, delivery
truck, vehicle, travel, transport, transportation
vehicle, transportation, transport, truck, travel, shipping
water, liquid, drink, beverage, cleaning, drop
windmill, mill, production, industry, energy, power, electricity
wood, crate, box, package, parcel, firewood, production, industry
worker, man, male, person, helmet, safety, profession
worker, woman, female, person, helmet, safety, protection, profession
Graphic and Web Design
To illustrate portfolio, brainstorming, deadlines, colors, branding, design programs
Artboard 9
behance, folder, file, portfolio, image, artwork, cv, graphic, web, design
brainstorming, lightbulb, bulb, idea, thought, innovation, people, graphic, web, design, business
calendar, date, appointment, reminder, month, day, deadline
camera, photography, image, cam, picture, gallery, graphic, web, design
character, face, emoji, emoticon, emotion, smile, happy, graphic, design
cmyk, colour, color, graphic, web, design
coffee, drink, beverage, break, office, caffeine
colorwheel, color, colours, selection, graphic, web, design
computer, monitor, screen, camera, photography, cam, picture, image, graphic, web, design
computer, monitor, screen, cursor, website, webpage, browser, media, multimedia, play, video
computer, monitor, screen, dimension, square, scale, grid, graphic, web, design
computer, smartphone, coding, compatibility, programming, graphic, web, design
design, graphic, pen, draw, sketch, anchor
dribblr, dribble, folder, file, portfolio, image, artwork, cv, graphic, web, design
electric, drawing, tool, device, electronic, graphic, web, design
electronic, drawing, tool, device, graphic, design
eyedropper, color, dropper, colours, selection, graphic, web, design
file, document, paper, page, duplicate, copy, drag
file, paper, page, document, layout, text, graphic, web, design
font, text, paragraph, monitor, screen, computer, graphic, web, design
golden ration, logo, pencil, pen, graphic, web, design
hand, gesture, pencil, draw, drawing, graphic, design
headset, headphones, customer, service, sound, audio, microphone, mic
icons, icon, logo, application, apps, graphic, design
keyboard, computer, hardware, typing, type, writing, graphic, web, design
laptop, computer, pointer, cursor, application, app, adobe, graphic, web, design
layers, layer, graphic, web, design, overlay
logo, branding, graphic, design, document, file, paper, page, pen
monitor, computer, screen, application, graphic, design, adobe
monitor, screen, computer, pointer, cursor, application, app, adobe, graphic, web, design
mouse, computer, hardware, click, select, graphic, web, design
painting, paint, color, colours, paint brush, graphic, web, design
pamphlet, browse, branding, logo, marketing, brochure, paper
pen, anchor, shape, pixel, graphic, web, design
pencil, ruler, document, paper, page, shapes, transform, graphic, web, design
pencil, ruler, eraser, file, document, paper, page, graphic, web, design
pencil, ruler, measure, measurement, graphic, web, design
pinterest, folder, file, portfolio, image, artwork, cv, graphic, web, design
portfolio, file, folder, image, storage, sorting, graphic, web, design
poster, marketing, braning, logo, image, layout
rgb, colour, color, lightbulb, graphic, web, design
sketch, file, document, paper, page, pencil, face, outline
sketches, sketch, notebook, pencil, character, face, graphic, web, design
storage, disk, hard disk, data, database, usb
swatches, color, colours, colour, graphic, web, design
thought, idea, lightbulb, bulb, light, innovative, mind, brain, graphic, web, design
transfer, arrow, up, upload, cloud, storage, database, data, file, document, paper, page
tripod, camera, photgoraphy, image, graphic, web, design
typewriter, typing, type, device, graphic, web, design
To illustrate green energy, power, sustainable energy, charge, electricity, recycling, fuel
bag, recycle, arrow, environment, ecology, arrows
battery, power, energy, charge, electricity, ecology
car battery, battery, power, energy, charge, electricity, ecology
charge, plug, cable, power, energy, environment, ecology, green
container, ecology, leaf, plant, planet, globe
earth, planet, globe, global, electricity, power, energy
ecology, nature, water, drop, recycle, arrows, plant
ecology, recycle, arrows, water, planet, plant, earth
electric, car, electricity, vehicle, automobile, solar, panel, ecology
electricity, power, energy, bolts, leaf, ecology
factory, industry, building, leaf, plant, ecology, electricity
garbage, bin, trash, recycle, rubbish, arrows, ecology
gas, gasoline, petrol, automobile, vehicle, transport, transportation
gasoline, petrol, gas, electricity, power, energy, transportation
gasoline, tank, vehicle, automobile, gas, petrol, transportation
gear, settings, options, preferences, maintenance, ecology
global, warming, globe, planet, earth, temperature, ecology
graph, analytics, statistics, diagram, power, energy, electricity
green, car, leaf, plant, nature, ecology, vehicle, automobile
green, house, home, real estate, property, ecology
green, mind, thought, mindfullness, ecology, solar, panel
green, planet, earth, globe, global, plant, nature, ecology
hand gesture, hand, gesture, water, drop, environment, ecology, wash
hand, gesture, planet, earth, globe, ecology, nature
hand, gesture, planet, earth, globe, global, leaves, leaf, ecology
hand, gesture, plant, nature, ecology, solar, planet
hand, gesture, water, drop, ecology, environment, wash
hearts, love, green, plant, nature, solar, power, ecology
house, home, solar, panels, electricity, power, energy
industry, power plant, power, energy, ecology, nuclear, radiation
lab, laboratory, chemistry, experiment, ecology, recycle, arrows
label, tag, green, leaf, plant, nature, ecology, environment
leaves, leaf, plant, nature, ecology, environment
lightbulb, light, energy, power, globe, global, bulb, earth, ecology
lightbulb, light, green, ecology, solar, panel, nature
paper bag, bag, paper, green, plant, nature, ecology, environment
plug, cable, power, energy, ecology, planet, solar
plug, socket, charge, power, energy, electricity, ecology
radiation, nuclear, power, energy, ecology, solar
recycle, bottle, plastic, arrows, ecology, environment
recycle, electricity, power, energy, electric, arrows, ecology
shield, protection, plant, green, security, ecology, environment
shopping, bag, recycle, ecommerce, arrows, environment, ecology
solar, panel, electricity, ecology, sun, power, energy
solar, sun, power, energy, electricity, charge, ecology
trees, tree, water, shield, protection, plant, forest
truck, garbage, transportation, transport, vehicle, arrows
water, drops, leaf, plant, ecology, nature
water, tap, faucet, plumbing, water, drop, ecology, green, leaves
windmill, mill, power, energy, ecology, green
To illustrate shopping, delivery, sales, discount, online payment, store, online shopping
airdrop, parachute, delivery, logistic, box, package, shopping, ecommerce
bag, shopping, ecommerce, shop, discount, sale, price, tag
bar code, code, shopping, tag, label, search, find, ecommerce
basket, shopping, ecommerce, store, shop, payment, purchase
box, package, parcel, delivery, logistic, discount, money, shopping, ecommerce
buy, online, shopping, ecommerce, smartphone, phone, magnifier, payment
cart, shop, shopping, ecommerce, purchase, dollar, money
closed, store, shop, ecommerce, sign, discount, piggy bank, dollar
clothes, clothing, tshirt, shopping, shop, discount, sale, ecommerce
confirm, accept, approve, complete, medal, ribbon, ecommerce
confirm, security, shield, protection, complete, approve, logistic, delivery, package
conversation, chat, offer, sale, discount, percentage, savings, saving, ecommerce
coupon, price, cut, scissors, shopping, ecommerce, discount, sale
credit card, payment, purchase, smartphone, mobile, discount, ecommerce
customer, service, headset, ecommerce, store, shopping, full time
date, schedule, calendar, reminder, notification, day, month, shopping, ecommerce
delivery, shopping, ecommerce, logistic, package, parcel, box
discount, sale, tag, label, ecommerce, shopping
distribution, transfer, sale, ecommerce, arrows, worldwide, international
dollar, money, finance, payment, purchase, discount, sale, shopping, ecommerce
favourite, favorite, heart, label, tag, medal, ecommerce, bookmark, wishlist
international, worldwide, planet, earth, discount, sale, percentage, distribution, ecommerce
list, paper, document, receipt, shopping, ecommerce
location, pin, marker, destination, store, shop, ecommerce
marketing, megaphone, newsletter, announcement, ecommerce, discount, sale
medal, award, reward, ribbon, star, store, ecommerce, percentage
mobile store, mobile, smartphone, phone, online, store, shop, shopping, ecommerce
national, international, location, store, shop, bag, shopping, ecommerce
news, blog, newsletter, paper, document, marketing, percentage
online, store, shop, monitor, screen, sale, discount, shopping, ecommerce
open, store, shop, ecommerce, sign, discount, payment, dollar
payment, banking, credit card, shopping, ecommerce, discount, sale
piggy bank, receipt, savings, dollar, money, shop, credit
present, gift, box, package, money, ecommerce, shopping, logistic, delivery
price, ticket, coupon, ecommerce, shop, discount, sale, percentage
receipt, list, checklist, shopping, ecommerce, discount, sale, dollar, money
receipt, sale, shopping, shop, ecommerce, discount, percentage
register, cash, payment, purchase, shopping, ecommerce, discount
scale, weigh, weight, device, shopping, ecommerce, delivery
search, find, magnifier, store, shop, ecommerce, location
service, customer, headset, discount, sale, ecommerce
shopping, online, smartphone, bag, shop, ecommerce, mobile
shopping, shop, store, monitor, screen, online, medal, reward, ribbon, dollar
size, clothing, clothes, tshirt, ecommerce, search, find, magnifier
store, shop, building, medal, ribbon, star, ecommerce, percentage, sale
tag, label, shopping, ecommerce, discount, price
tax, payment, money, document, paper, receipt, shopping, ecommerce
view, vision, track, box, package, parcel, logisitic, shopping, ecommerce
visa, credit card, payment, finance, purchase, shopping, ecommerce
wallet, purchase, payment, money, ecommerce, dollar, store
Big Data
To illustrate server, storage, data transfer, privacy and protection, upload and download
account, person, profile, transfer, network, data, database, communication
alert, warning, danger, notification, server, rack, storage, data, database, network
alert, warning, notification, server, rack, storage, data, database
arrow, down, transfer, download, server, rack, storage, data, database
arrow, up, transfer, upload, server, rack, storage, data, database
bug, data, ram, backup, database, storage, protection, safety
cloud, network, sharing, computer, transfer, data, database, storage
cloud, storage, data, database, media, multimedia, play, music, gallery
cloud, storage, download, arrow, down, transfer, server, rack, storage, data, database
cloud, storage, transfer, file, document, paper, page, server, rack, storage, data, database
cloud, storage, transfer, sharing, data, database, account, user, profile
cloud, storage, upload, arrow, up, transfer, server, rack, storage, data, database
cloud, transfer, network, server, rack, storage, data, database
computer, laptop, dashboard, performance, server, rack, storage, data, database
computer, laptop, graph, chart, analytics, statistics, ram, performance
connect, network, transfer, server, rack, storage, data, database
document, paper, page, file, graph, chart, dashboard, configuration
document, paper, page, search, find, magnifier, scan, data
download, arrow, down, transfer, network, server, rack, storage, data, database
folder, file, arrow, download, cloud, storage, data, database, transfer
folder, file, arrow, upload, cloud, storage, data, database, transfer
folder, file, data, database, storage, media, multimedia, music, play, image
folder, file, document, paper, page, transfer, data, database, storage
gear, settings, options, preferences, cogwheel, network, server, rack, storage, data, database
graph, analytics, statistics, chart, performance, dashboard, server, rack, storage, data, database
internet, online, server, rack, storage, data, database
key, lock, password, pincode, protection, safety, security, folder, file
laptop, computer, data, database, ram, storage, performance, dashboard, analytics, statistics
lock, padlock, security, protection, safety, shield, server, rack, storage, data, database
lock, protection, safety, privacy, padlock, server, rack, storage, data, database
media, multimedia, play, music, gallery, image, server, rack, storage, data, database
microchip, chip, storage, data, database, cloud, transfer
monitor, screen, computer, magnifier, find, search, server, rack, storage, data, database
profile, account, user, network, transfer, server, rack, storage, data, database
profile, account, user, server, rack, storage, data, database
refresh, sync, configuration, server, rack, storage, data, database
scan, search, find, magnifier, server, rack, storage, data, database
screen, monitor, computer, sharing, network, server, rack, storage, data, database
screen, monitor, computer, transfer, network, server, rack, storage, data, database
server, network, connect, sharing, storage, data, database
server, rack, storage, data, database, dashboard, performance, speed
server, rack, storage, data, database, scan, search, find, magnifier_1
server, rack, storage, data, database, scan, search, find, magnifier
server, rack, transfer, sharing, data, storage, database, monitor, screen
settings, cogwheel, preferences, options, gear, server, rack, storage, data, database
sync, synchronize, arrows, arrow, configuration, server, rack, storage, data, database
upload, arrow, up, transfer, network, server, rack, storage, data, database
website, webpage, browser, media, multimedia, music, play, image, gallery, data, database, storage
website, webpage, browser, server, rack, storage, data, database, network, sharing
website, webpage, browser, server, rack, storage, data, database
Digital Services
To illustrate online services, dashboard, website management, communication, security
alert, warning, danger, error, notification, webpage, website, browser, cursor, pointer
browser, webpage, website, cursor, pointer, rating, review, star
browser, webpage, website, graph, chart, analytics, statistics, arrow, increase, pointer, cursor
chat, conversation, communication, message, website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer
cloud, storage, transfer, arrows, arrow, document, paper, page, send, receive
coin, dollar, money, finance, transfer, send, receive, arrow, arrows
computer, monitor, screen, webpage, website, browser, cursor, pointer, coding, programming
customer, service, headphones, headset, audio, sound, media, multimedia, digital
dashboard, webpage, website, browser, cursor, pointer, analytics
design, pointer, cursor, website, webpage, browser, coding, programming
document, page, paper, cloud, storage, database, network, sharing
document, paper, page, global, international, earth, planet, link, share
document, paper, page, hand, gesture, newsletter, article
email, mail, envelope, laptop, computer, device, newsletter, letter, communication
finance, accounting, coin, money, dollar, website, webpage, browser, monitor, screen, analytics
find, search, magnifier, scan, website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer, coding, programming
fingerprint, security, protection, safety, privacy, scan, scanner
food, meal, hand, gesture, care, digital, service, catering, restaurant
hand, gesture, care, planet, global, international, cloud, earth
international, global, globe, planet, earth, server, database, storage
internet, online, folder, file, storage, sorting, sort
key, pin, password, document, paper, page, protection, security, digital
key, share, network, master key, lock, unlock, protection, security, privacy
laptop, computer, graph, chart, pie chart, analytics, statistics, device
launch, start up, rocket, monitor, screen, computer, business, digital
lightbulb, idea, thought, mind, gear, process, digital, service
link, chain, share, network, sharing, digital, service
logo, marketing, design, digital, service, pencil, watermark
map, pointer, location, marker, destination, smartphone, phone, mobile
marketing, announcement, newsletter, monitor, screen, computer, business, digital
megaphone, marketing, notification, announcement, newletter, business, digital, service
mobile, smartphone, phone, rating, review, star, application
money, finance, coin, bag, accounting, fortune, value, website, webpage, browser
monitor, computer, screen, sharing, network, cloud, storage, database
monitor, screen, computer, calculator, device, lightbulb, idea, accounting
movie, video, media, multimedia, entertainment, director, directing
multimedia, media, video, movie, tv, television, screen, monitor, entertainment, ad
newsletter, ad, advertisement, megaphone, marketing, pointer, media, multimedia, cursor
rating, review, star, social, media, network, thumbs up, website, webpage, browser
scan, scanner, eye, vision, visual, iris, security, protection, privacy
server, database, storage, cloud, transfer, network, digital, service
server, rack, database, storage, digital, service, device
sheild, protection, security, confirm, approve, complete, document, paper, page
shop, store, ecommerce, commerce, building, smartphone, phone, mobile
smartphone, mobile, phone, coding, programming, gear, options, device
transfer, arrow, document, paper, page, send, receive, share, duplicate
virtual, reality, glasses, goggles, device, wireless, visual, digital
webpage, website, browser, coding, programming, code, gear, options
website, webpage, browser, cursor, pointer, layout, design
website, webpage, browser, pointer, cursor, coding, programming, code
Business Management
To illustrate marketing, newsletters, customer satisfaction, ideas, innovation, finances
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To illustrate finances, currency, online, mining, bitcoin, coding and programming
window, browser, network, sharing, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
wallet, payment, purchase, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
user, account, profile, cloud, glasses, avatar, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
target, lightbulb, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
smartphone, online, phone, mobile, mining, chisel, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
shopping, cart, ecommerce, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
rack, server, electronic, device, storage, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
search, find, banking, magnifier, piggy bank, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
server, rack, storage, electronic, device, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
sharing, account, user, profile, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
sharing, network, monitor, mining, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
shield, protection, security, safety, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
parachute, drop, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
paper, airplane, message, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
network, sharing, mining, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
network, connect, connection, sharing, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
monitor, screen, computer, electronic, device, coding, programming, code
mining, monitor, screen, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
lock, padlock, protection, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
microchip, chip, electronic, device, electric, electricity, security, camera
mining, chisel, mountain, rock, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
mining, cryptocurrency, decrease, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
mining, cryptocurrency, increase, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
mining, cryptocurrency, middle, value, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
location, destination, marker, pointer, pin, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
key, protection, security, safety, privacy, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
incogito, hat, sunglasses, private, privacy, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
hand, gesture, care, compass, pointer, international, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
hacker, virus, danger, dangerous, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
graph, chart, line, analytics, statistics, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
exchange, currency, arrows, left, right, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
electronic, device, storage, server, rack, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
cryptocurrency, skull, code, pointer, marker, money, finance, currency
cryptocurrency, lightbulb, medal, star, magnifier, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
cryptocurrency, key, mining, lightbulb, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
computer, monitor, screen, chisel, mining, online, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
broken, broke, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
business, manager, employee, user, account, profile, smartphone, wireless
chart, graph, analytics, statistics, smartphone, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
cloud, storage, database, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
cloud, storage, database, file, document, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
coin, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
broke, broken, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
box, square, link, share, network, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
bitcoin, currency, money, finance, payment, cryptocurrency
bitcoin, currency, money, finance, document, contract, file, protection, confirm, security
bank, building, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
Artboard 7
account, user, profile, block, cancel, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
arrows, transfer, exchange, left, right, cryptocurrency, bitcoin, currency, money, finance
Web design and development
To illustrate coding, web design aspects, search engine optimization and social media integration
vault line illustration
under-construction line illustration
security line illustration
targetting line illustration
time line illustration
social-media line illustration
speed line illustration
mobile-shop line illustration
research line illustration
optimization line illustration
content line illustration
data-transfer line illustration
coding line illustration
brainstorming line illustration
adaptive-ui line illustration
Finance and business
To illustrate house management, investment options, financial growth and global economy
growth line illustration
global economy line illustration
investment line illustration
business solution line illustration
financial management line illustration
consultation line illustration
house management line illustration
tax management line illustration
partnership line illustration
start up line illustration
startup line illustration
stock market line illustration
crowd funding line illustration
finance goal line illustration
budgeting line illustration
To illustrate Target Market, Payment Method, Online Store and FAQ
physical store line illustration
online store line illustration
promotion line illustration
browse items line illustration
delivery line illustration
payment-method line illustration
product-warranty line illustration
packagging-and-packing line illustration
sale line illustration
target-market line illustration
pay-per-click line illustration
reviews-and-feedback line illustration
new-items line illustration
mobile-payment line illustration
FAQ line illustration
To illustrate Email Marketing, Magazine, Newsletter and Online News
newsletter line illustration
spread-the-word line illustration
publicity line illustration
online-news line illustration
magazine line illustration
tv-ad line illustration
click-bait line illustration
sales-funnel line illustration
distribution line illustration
target-market line illustration
coverage line illustration
production line illustration
email-marketing line illustration
print-ad line illustration
digital-ad line illustration
Graphic Design
To illustrate Sketching, Pitching, Presentation and Visual Concept
layouting line illustration
typography line illustration
digital-illustration line
visual-concept line illustration
out-of-the-box line illustration
branding line illustration
packaging line illustration
icons line illustration
workflow line illustration
vision line illustration
photography line illustration
presentation line illustration
color-palette line illustration
pitching line illustration
sketching line illustration
Creative services
To illustrate Interface, Portfolio, Premium Services and Tools
portfolio line illustration
idea line illustration
vector-elements line illustration
services line illustration
premium-services line illustration
interface line illustration
logo-design line illustration
alternative line illustration
changes line illustration
photo-editor line illustration
shapes line illustration
tools line illustration
results line illustration
take-a-break line illustration
studio line illustration
Medical and healthcare
To illustrate Blood Donor, Eye Problem, Healthy Foods and Diet program
emergency line illustration
headscan line illustration
healthapp line illustration
x-ray line illustration
hospital line illustration
medication line illustration
shots line illustration
teeth-problem line illustration
natural-medicine line illustration
medical-bill line illustration
insurance line illustration
nurse line illustration
doctor line illustration
eye-problem line illustration
blood-donor line illustration
heart-monitor line illustration
ambulance line illustration
patient line illustration
pharmacist line illustration
rx line illustration
blood-type line illustration
broken-bone line illustration
brain-problems line illustration
lung-problems line illustration
healthy-foods line illustration
medication line illustration
medication line illustration
blood-pressure line illustration
water-therapy line illustration
diet-program line illustration
To illustrate Power Plant, Wind Turbine, Bio Fuel and Electric Car
power-plant line illustration
green-powered-car line illustration
solar-panel line illustration
wind-turbine line illustration
bio-fuel line illustration
electric-car line illustration
woody-biomass line illustration
fuel-cells line illustration
tidal-power line illustration
hydro-power-plant line illustration
geothermal line illustration
recycled-energy line illustration
battery line illustration
car-battery line illustration
power-plant line illustration
Green living
To illustrate Organic Food, Animal Preservation, Eco Friendly and Green Electricity
eco-friendly line illustration
trash-management line illustration
conscious-mind line illustration
sea-preservation line illustration
animal-preservation line illustration
earth-preservation line illustration
no-plastic-bag line illustration
forest-preservation line illustration
global-warming-awareness line illustration
organic-food line illustration
meat line illustration
green-electricity line illustration
sustainable-energy line illustration
herbal-medicine line illustration
sustainable-energy line illustration
To illustrate World History, Student Loan, Chemistry, Math and Books
books line illustration
math line illustration
human-anatomy line illustration
chemistry line illustration
physics line illustration
world-history line illustration
teacher line illustration
exams line illustration
school line illustration
sports line illustration
achievement line illustration
e-book line illustration
student-loan line illustration
scholarship line illustration
graduation line illustration
To illustrate Basketball, Weight Lifting, Billiard, Soccer and Tennis
soccer line illustration
basketball line illustration
badminton line illustration
volleyball line illustration
boxing line illustration
bowling line illustration
table-tennis line illustration
tennis line illustration
hockey line illustration
archery line illustration
weight-lifting line illustration
billiard line illustration
golf line illustration
score line illustration
champion line illustration
Real estate
To illustrate Insurance, Increasing Value, Property Search, Investment and Mortgage
for-sale line illustration
for-rent line illustration
options line illustration
increasing-value line illustration
property-searching line illustration
decreasing-value line illustration
investment line illustration
calculation line illustration
sold line illustration
insurance line illustration
mortgage line illustration
house line illustration
apartment line illustration
sketch line illustration
storage line illustration
E commerce
To illustrate Calculation, Budget, QR Code, Discount, Payment Security and Store Maintenance
profit line illustration
profit line illustration
shopping line illustration
payment line illustration
payment line illustration
currency line illustration
store line illustration
store line illustration
online-store line illustration
online-mobile-store line illustration
shopping line illustration
world-wide-shipment line illustration
browse-items line illustration
browsing-items line illustration
discount line illustration
qr-code line illustration
bar-code line illustration
discount-coupon line illustration
budget line illustration
calculation line illustration
budget line illustration
bill line illustration
calculation line illustration
shopping line illustration
new-items line illustration
payment-secure line illustration
payment-secure line illustration
catalogue line illustration
account-settings line illustration
store-maintenance line illustration
Smartphone features
To illustrate Notification, Flashlight, Water Proof, Contacts, Dialer and Prototype
settings line illustration
wifi line illustration
simcard line illustration
data-transfer line illustration
bluetooth line illustration
nfc line illustration
notifications line illustration
battery line illustration
keyboard line illustration
fingerprint-security line illustration
camera line illustration
virtual-reality line illustration
customization line illustration
iris-scanner line illustration
account line illustration
dialer line illustration
contacts line illustration
chat line illustration
waterproof line illustration
flashlight line illustration
screenshare line illustration
notification line illustration
locations line illustration
cloud-data line illustration
voice-assist line illustration
hello line illustration
hello line illustration
prototype line illustration
care line illustration
search line illustration
Travel and destination
To illustrate Germany, Italy, Holland, Egypt, Airport, Security Check and Vacations
search-flight line illustration
flight-schedule line illustration
flight-discount line illustration
luggage-measurement line illustration
taxi line illustration
money-exchange line illustration
travel-documents line illustration
hotel-search line illustration
airlines line illustration
hostel line illustration
lighthouse line illustration
ticket-order line illustration
backpacking line illustration
vacations line illustration
flight-radar line illustration
security-check line illustration
airport line illustration
asia line illustration
indonesia line illustration
egypt line illustration
brazil line illustration
united-kingdom line illustration
italy line illustration
australia line illustration
america line illustration
mexico line illustration
france line illustration
holland line illustration
russia line illustration
germany line illustration
To illustrate Phone Interaction, Form Filling, Work Space, Train, Diving and Sea Exploration
explore line illustration
sea-exploration line illustration
diving line illustration
exploration line illustration
train line illustration
beach-life line illustration
sea-life line illustration
travel-budget line illustration
phone-user-man line illustration
phone-user-woman line illustration
form-filling-man line illustration
form-filling-woman line illustration
workspace-man line illustration
workspace-woman line illustration
phone-interaction line illustration
Same illustrations as before but with different currency like Euro, British Pound and Yen
british-pound-bag line illustration